Frequently Asked  Questions:

1) Natural Braziliss has Formaldehyde?

No, Natural Braziliss is 100% free of formaldehyde. 

2) If Natural Braziliss is not a relaxer how is it straighten the hair?

Natural Braziliss acts between the cuticle and the cortex  not disrupting the bridges of cystine as
common relaxers and also no waterproofing as Formaldehyde.What will straighten that hair is the physical process of temperature that occurs through the dryer and flat iron, the function of  Natural Braziliss is precipitate proteins of hair causing it to not turn over during certain period of time.

3) How long does the Natural Braziliss last ?

The treatment will last about  2 to 6 months depending on type of hair and maintance. To determine the durability in order of importance is:

Applying: In case of the product not be applied properly , the result and durability will be not satisfatory.
Genetics: Depends on genetic the durability of the product can vary from person to person.
Maintanance: In case of not doing a properly daily maintanance that is compatible with composition of Natural Braziliss the treatment cant not last longer. Preferrible use a Natural Braziliss daily maintance for better result. 
Washing Hair:  Some People wash hair more times than others ( eg. oily hair) , in those cases the durability of Natural Braziliss will be not longer than others that not wash so frequently.(Eg.dry hair).
Geographical Region: We notice that different regions and different climate and also the water conditions interfere on durability of the treatment.

4) Does Natural Braziliss cause any irritation to the eyes ?

Natural Braziliss has alcohool in your composition, but no occurrances happened during our test. It s totally safe, no masks or fan is needed during the treatment. Natural Braziliss only has natural and biological ingredients on its formula.

5) Natural Braziliss is a registered product ?

Yes, Brazil has a Health department called ANVISA, we are registered and authorized by them. The name of Pharmacist is write down on the label of the product.

6)  Do I have to do touch-ups on my next Natural Braziliss treatment?

 Natural Braziliss it s not a relaxer but its a treatment, thats why we need perform the service on entire head.  Natural Braziliss has no accumulative effects, it can be used whenever and as often as you desire.

7) When do I have to do the treatment again? Has Natural Braziliss accumulative effect as Fomoldehyde?

Natural Braziliss can be applied many time as necessary. Natural Braziliss has no accumulative effects, it can be used whenever and as often as you desire.

8) Is Natural Braziliss compatible with any kind of Chemical-based treatments ? 

Yes, NATURAL BRAZILISS is compatible with all types of hair dye & chemical-based products, thus you can use for blonde, highlighted, and dyed hair, including lead.

9) Can it be applied over dye hair? 

yes, we recommend  apply Natural Braziliss after lightner  color, because it highlights, and before of  dark or red colors because we make use of anti-residues shampoo.

10) Can Natural Braziliss be performed on virgin hair?

Yes, but must take attention to the process of opening cuticles on these types of hair, so the result is satisfatory and lasting.

11) Do I need wait three days for wash my hair after Natural Braziliss? 

No, according to step to step instructions, the hair must be washed in the end of the process.

12) Can I tie my hair-up after Natural Braziliss?

Yes, you can tie or wear any ponytail , remembering that holding your hair while still wet it can damage the hair structure or can leave marks on it.  So, make sure your hair is 100% dry.

13)Why is left shampoo?

Probably the process of opening cuticles is not being done properly. Remembering that what open the cuticles is not the shampoo's foam but the chemical's shampoo.

14)Why do I need take much attention during the process of opening cuticles? 
The process of opening cuticle is essential for the whole process be done properly. (Eg. we cant walk throught a door without first opening it ) This is the difference between opening cuticles and washing hair.

15) Why do I need take attention to seal the cuticles? 

The process of opening cuticles is essential  for product reach the interior of the strand, and the proper seal is key of making the product to have the right action, satisfactory and high durability. Please note that sealing correctly is not mean you need to damage the hair while ironing. 

16) Does Natural Braziliss do only the process of straightening? 

No, One of the differences between Natural Braziliss and others products is the versality of Natural Braziliss that is a hair treatment.

We can perform the following service in the Saloon:

 Realignment of the strand ( Natural Straightening)
 Relaxation Finalize  (Sodium or thioglycolate )

 Thermal Protector and Brushing optimizer 

 Plastic capillary

 Cauterization  and keratinization 

 Court reversal of chemical and reconstruction fibrous (SOS)

If you have more questions , feel free to ask.

Troubleshooting Events:

1)The cuticles do not open easily especially in Virgin hair.
The function of cuticles is primarily to protect the cortex. Virgin hair have not been exposed to other chemicals , in this cases for opening it is more difficult. we can apply shampoo straight to the hair between second and third application.

2)The cuticle is opened, but when I was drying them closed
Look if temperature’s dryers is adjusted or if you are drying very close to the strand. It can occur because the cuticles are protecting the edge of the high temperature. Dry respecting a safe distance for each type of strand. In this case return to the sink basin and repeat the procedure for opening cuticles until you get the satisfactory result.

3)I noticed that the nape and the regions near the ears and forehead didn’t last as the other regions of the head.
Due to the position in a sink basin it s common that all oils removed from the top of the head down and stick on the neck and other areas below . It also can occur in person that sweat a lot and has a high level of salt and acids. Its worth to remember that what opens the cuticles it s the shampoo’ chemicals not the foam. For a 100% satisfactory result we must be sure that the cuticles are full opened.

4)What should I do when the client has done a relaxer procedure and the root has grown and no chemicals in there.
The ideal is to make relaxer procedure in this root and after a Natural Braziliss .If that is not done, the end of the process of opening the cuticles to make one more application of shampoo Natural Braziliss just on this root and leave it for a few minutes until you get the complete opening up of these cuticles, but without rubbing the scalp.

5)The hair returned as it was before when I washed the end of treatment.
We have two possibilities: the first is that the cuticle has not been opened properly and could not immediately reach the inner part of the strand . And the second is that these cuticles were not completely sealed and when we wash the hair the product is removed.

6)The procedure that I have done returned, but others didn’t , what happened?
The two possibilities described above. Remembering that each strand has its peculiarities.

7)All procedure with Natural Braziliss that I have done returned .
If all the processes step by step were followed correctly also the following two possibilities described above and it still continue to occur , please contact our Technical Department Natural Braziliss.

8)Treatment was with the smooth effect, but lasted less than expected

9)The treatment gaves a dry effect , mainly on ends of each strand.
Note that the flat iron temperature in excess can dry out and damage the structure mainly at the ends of the stands , where is the region of the hair that is naturally dryer , especially in blond or with chemicals.

NOTE: It is important to note that the tool Troubleshooting Events was created to expedite the process of instances where we see that 95% of cases proceeded the same as reported above.
But if the procedures are followed and any incidents persist, or retreat to the reported content, contact the Technical Department for a schedule and support.